Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Can guys and beanie babies go together?

I was listening to the Z100 Morning Show while jogging today, and the topic that came up was "Dating Guys with Geeky Collections." The conversation started off pretty general, until somebody then proceeded to mention guys collecting Beanie Babies or the more traditional stuffed animal - the teddy bear. There was a range of responses to this prompt - hysterical laughter, a couple of no-no's, some oh-my-god's, but there was one answer that specifically stood out to me.

"What's wrong with that?"

The person continued to explain his view of guys collecting teddy bears, saying, "How do we judge someone based on what they want to keep? Does it define my sexuality?" And when he questioned the mild protests to his questions, the answer was simply, "It doesn't fit."

So I guess it comes down to this: Is it ok for a guy to collect teddy bears? What makes it "ok" to collect cars and G.I. Joes and not Barbies and stuffed animals? In today's society, are gender roles still defined by what we own, how we dress, or what we like?

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