Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Half way through the school year?

It's always "gotta learn. gotta earn. gotta succeed".
...so how about "gotta chill"?

My history teacher gives us a page filled with Calvin & Hobbes cartoons attached with every homework assignment packet. Maybe she wants to cheer us up? De-stress us? Make us laugh when reading about the 20 pg history homework assignment we have to do? I don't know, but some of them are hilarious. Below are some of my favorites. :)

Hope these brighten your day!


William Kwan said...

I LOVEEEEEEEE CALVIN AND HOBBES! Woot woot woot. When I grow up, I'm totally gunna get a pet tiger....

that talks.

Unknown said...

That sunny field strip has to be my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strip of all time!

Such a good post!